Cold trick for Baars in Denmark

In Denmark, a more than 8 km long dual carriageway will be built to connect Frederikssund with Skibbyvej. Alongside the road, a 1.4 km long bridge and smaller bridges are being constructed. The executor is RBAI, a joint venture of the Italian company Rizzani de Eccher, the Belgian BESIX and the Spanish ACCIONA Infraestructuras.

RBAI was looking for floating equipment for the project Fjordforbindelsen. Baars offered the most economical and complete solution for this purpose with a modular container pontoon, a 850 m3 large split hopper barge and a flat top barge (in collaboration with van der Wees Watertransporten BV). In addition, the whole operation of the equipment could be served by the barge master Gert of Baars. As a result, Baars can now work in Denmark for about a year!

An important criterion for the project is the attention for the environmental factors. The Roskilde fjord is a Natura 2000 area, because it functions as a habitat for sensitive vegetation and as a refuge for waterfowl. The proximity of a few residential areas and the difficult accessibility of the site also create major challenges in logistics and dust, noise and traffic management.

And do not forget the freezing cold! Fortunately, there is a warm cooperation between the associated companies. For example interim solutions were made with each other to achieve the best results. In Janaury the pontoon was extended and spudlegs were lengthened with new equipment from Sliedrecht by the barge master and experienced people at site.