Flat top barges: coupling system for drilling, pile-driving, and dredging work  

Several flat top barges including delivery and assembly at your project location 

More than 200 inland shipping flat top barges and more than 100 seagoing flat top barges.  They come in sizes of 6 or 9.5 feet. Our pontoon system is modular. This enabling you to assemble floating platforms for all conceivable drilling, pile-driving, and dredging work. The pontoons are also suitable for use as transport pontoons, ferries and jetties. Or as a floating bridge. All pontoons are certified and equipped with a unique coupling system. This system can absorb considerable dynamic forces.  

  • Inland shipping pontoon deck strength: 6 tonnes per m2 
  • Seagoing pontoon deck strength: 12 tonnes per m2
  • Deck strength can be increased by using wooden matrasses 
  • Two jack-up systems: winch spud system or hydraulic 
  • Coupling systems M30 and M42 
  • Purchase or rental 
  • Worldwide delivery to your project location 

 Want to know more? Need an estimate? Contact us!
rental@baarsbv.com +31(0)184-415566


The unique Baars nut & bolt coupling comes in two types: the M30 coupling for 6 ft pontoons and the M42 coupling for 9.5 ft pontoons. Our coupling system is able to absorb great dynamic forces so that you can use your equipment safely. Here you can watch an instructional video on how the coupling system works. BAARS Coupling

Modular Baars pontoons have two types of jacking systems. First there are jack-up systems with cylinders. These have a lift and stabilisation capacity of 50 to 200 tonnes. Second, spud systems with winches which can lift and stabilise from 20 to 120 tonnes. For dredging work, Baars recommends winch spud systems, and hydraulic systems for pile-driving and drilling operations.

  • We deliver pontoons to your project location anywhere in the world. 
  • Modular pontoons are simple to transport by truck, ship, or train.  
  • Our technicians assemble the pontoons and give your employees operating instructions.  
  • To simplify transport and keep transport costs low, our pontoons have the dimensions of a standard 20’ or 40’ sea container.  
  • They also have CSC certification (Convention of Safe Containers), assuring that they can be safely transported and stacked. 

NOTE: we do not include transport costs for a crane or compressor in our estimate. We assume you will be arranging for this equipment separately. 

We’re glad to help. Telephone us on +31 184 – 415566. 


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