Contribution of Backhoe Pontoon Titaan in Port La Rochelle

Port Atlantique La Rochelle (PALR), a leading maritime hub, faces an ambitious task: deepening the maritime accesses to the port through dredging and rock excavation. Under the leadership of SDI (Société Dragage International), part of DEME, this challenge is being tackled with determination and precision.

Backhoe pontoon Titaan

At the heart of this operational masterpiece is the impressive collaboration between different players. SDI relies on the expertise of Baars, which supplies the backhoe pontoon Titaan and the 450 m³ split hopper barge B405. The Titaan with an impressive length of 63.40 meters, a width of 14.63 meters and a draft of 2.90 meters, has a payload of no less than 1,400 tons. In addition, Van Tunen’s powerful CAT 6015B crane is used for dredging and mud and rock removal. This impressive arsenal of equipment is manned by DEME’s skilled personnel.

Efficient dredging with the perfect dredging set

DEME’s Cutter dredger D’Artagnan, together with backhoe pontoon Titaan, is busy deepening the Port of La Rochelle, a crucial phase in the ambitious PORT HORIZON 2025 expansion project. Despite challenging conditions, including rocky terrain and strict environmental regulations, DEME’s enthusiastic project team is making steady progress.

Results and future prospects

With the start of work in November 2023 and expected completion in March/April 2024, PALR is on the verge of a remarkable achievement. These efforts will further position Port Atlantique La Rochelle as an important base and logistics hub for offshore wind farms in the region.

Partners in progress

Baars and Van Tunen deserve credit for delivering a perfect dredging set that meets the requirements of tidal areas and coastal works. Their involvement in this project contributes to the success of this maritime adventure, which is shaping the future of Port Atlantique La Rochelle.

Want to learn more about how Baars contributes to maritime projects like Port Atlantique La Rochelle? Contact us for more information or check out our website for our dredging and maritime construction services and expertise.

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